Tuesday, April 26, 2011

goodbye to dresses.

I decided that my last post for this project will be a summary of all of the blogs that I have done! I truly loved to research on wedding dresses and personally cannot wait until I get to find my perfect wedding dress! I loved to look up pictures of dresses, research for new ideas to blog about, and find our about new and not as popular designers. I think that by doing all of this research about wedding dress, I hope that for me, it won’t be too hard to find my perfect one someday. For the brides out there that are looking for your perfect wedding dress, all you have to do is start searching, and you will be spending hours upon hours just looking at all of these dresses that are out there. Trust me, there is every kind, style, and type of dress! Don’t stress about not finding the perfect one!

To find out more about wedding dresses, my website that I made for this class is http://dressperfectwedding.webs.com/. I have eight articles, a page with all sorts of wedding dress links, and a page about different products that I have posted. Some of my favorite blogs have been “dress your shape”, “look at those skirts”, “dress by season”, “matching your wedding cake”, and my absolute favorite, “shoes, shoes, shoes, what kind of shoes to wear”. I hope that everyone has enjoyed looking and getting ideas off of my blog and has provided some sort of insight to your search for your perfect wedding dress!

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